Download Mp3 Kraanium - Slamchosis (2018) Full Album Rar

Download Mp3 Kraanium - Slamchosis (2018) Full Album Rar
Author : Kraanium
Genre : Slamming Brutal Death Metal
Year : 2018
Label : Comatose Music
Country : Oslo, Norway / United Kingdom / Switzerland / Finland / Denmark
Official Page : Facebook

Tracklist : 
Bound to Kill
Blob of Inhuman Metamorphic Transfusion
Gratification Through Annihilation
Forced Rectal Exhumation
Larva Infested Cum Sluts
Midget Fucker
Slam Her Guts Out
Face Fucked with a Brick
Putrescent Indulgence

Download Mp3 Kraanium - Slamchosis (2018) Full Album Rar


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